Klier Design

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    [QuickBooks] => Array
            [acct_discount] => Sales:Discount
            [acct_coupon_discount] => Sales:Coupon Discount
            [acct_shipping] => Sales:Shipping
            [acct_gc_discount] => Sales:Gift Certificate Discount
            [acct_gc] => Sales:Gift Certificate
            [acct_product] => Sales:Product
            [trans_class] => Website:Retail
            [acct_tax] => Website:Tax
            [acct_inv_asset] => Inventory Asset
            [export_invitems] => Y
            [qb_reorderpoint] => 0
            [acct_inv_cogs] => Cost of Goods Sold
            [qb_exportpayments] => Y
            [qb_order_prefix] => 
            [acct_payment_surcharge] => Sales:Payment Surcharge
    [Product_Options] => Array
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            [cmpi_transpwd] => 
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    [Wishlist] => Array
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    [Logging] => Array
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            [log_bench_reports] => N
    [periodic_last_time] => 0
    [Maintenance_Agent] => Array
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            [gcheckout_check_cvn] => M
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            [gcheckout_disable_customer_notif] => Y
            [gcheckout_default_shipping_cost] => 0.00
            [gcheckout_display_product_note] => N
heckout] => Array
            [gcheckout_check_prot] => Y
    [Shipping_Label_Generator] => Array
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            [usps_sample_mode] => Y
            [usps_s_firstname] => 
            [usps_s_lastname] => 
    [Image_Verification] => Array
            [spambot_arrest_img_generator] => default
            [spambot_arrest_str_generator] => numbers
            [spambot_arrest_image_length] => 5
            [spambot_arrest_on_registration] => N
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            [spambot_arrest_on_send_to_friend] => N
            [spambot_arrest_on_reviews] => Y
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            [spambot_arrest_on_news] => Y
            [spambot_arrest_on_ask_designer] => Y
            [spambot_arrest_login_attempts] => 3
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    [froogle_export_file] => 
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    [survey_sending_remainder] => 
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    [allowed_ips] =>
    [bf_generation_date] => 1266575393
    [snapshots] => a:4:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"time";i:1266575410;s:5:"descr";s:31:"Installation system fingerprint";}i:1;a:2:{s:4:"time";i:1266575750;s:5:"descr";s:53:"Installation system fingerprint (X-Affiliate install)";}i:2;a:2:{s:4:"time";i:1266575752;s:5:"descr";s:61:"Installation system fingerprint (X-FeatureComparison install)";}i:3;a:2:{s:4:"time";i:1266575770;s:5:"descr";s:57:"Installation system fingerprint (X-SpecialOffers install)";}}
    [XAffiliate] => Array
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            [partner_register] => N
            [eml_signin_partner_notif] => N
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            [eml_partner_declined] => N
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            [fcomparison_comp_product_limit] => 20
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            [offers_bp_min] => 100
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    [Designer] => Array
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            [designer_logo_reject_reasons] => Das Logo ähnelt einem anderem Logo
Logo doppelt hochgeladen
Logo basiert auf einfachen Formen und dadurch ist die Exklusivität nicht gewährleistet
Das Logo hat zu geringe Verkaufschancen
Das Logo ist zu klein abgebildet
Das Logo hat keinen Kontrast.
Das Logo beinhaltet, das rote Kreuz. Es ist ein geschütztes Markenzeichen.
Logos dürfen nur auf einem weißen Hintergrund abgebildet werden.
Bitte das Logo nur einmal abbilden.
Cliparts werden nicht zugelassen.
Logo wurde nicht hochgeladen, bitte überprüfen Sie, ob die Abmessungen stimmen.
Logos mit religiösem Hintergrund werden nicht veröffentlicht.
            [designer_main_catid] => 280
            [designer_num_review_logos] => 5
            [designer_prod_price_divisor] => 50
    [max_saved_pids_sets] => 10
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            [skin_swap_debug_tpl] => debug_templates.tpl
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            [P] => T
    [UA] => Array
            [browser] => Mozilla
            [version] => 5
            [hard] => i386
            [language] => en-US
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    [Adaptives] => Array
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Logo: 39290
Logo: 39291
Logo: 39292
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Logo: 39294
Logo: 39295
Logo: 39296
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Logo: 39458
Logo: 39459
Logo: 39460
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The price for this product is not set. You can decide how much you want to pay.
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The price for this product is not set. You can decide how much you want to pay.
Logo: 39461
Logo: 39462
Logo: 39465
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The price for this product is not set. You can decide how much you want to pay.
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The price for this product is not set. You can decide how much you want to pay.
Logo: 39467
Logo: 39468
Logo: 39469
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The price for this product is not set. You can decide how much you want to pay.
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The price for this product is not set. You can decide how much you want to pay.
Logo: 39470
Logo: 39472
Logo: 39473
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The price for this product is not set. You can decide how much you want to pay.
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Logo: 39475
Logo: 39477 SOLD
Logo: 39479
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The price for this product is not set. You can decide how much you want to pay.
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The price for this product is not set. You can decide how much you want to pay.
Logo: 39480
Logo: 39513
Logo: 39515
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The price for this product is not set. You can decide how much you want to pay.
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The price for this product is not set. You can decide how much you want to pay.